A cape for my little girl

I absolutely love this gorgeous cape for my daughter. Mum made it based on the pattern from Make it Perfect during her stay with us. It's really easy to make. With a little translation help, Mum finished it in a couple of hours. I'd love to try the pattern myself but I am more than happy for my Mum to try a modern pattern like this. After all, she used to sew 20 years ago. You can imagine what kind of clothing she used to make. ;)

Since this cape is reversible. She used a wool fabric of Scottish checkered pattern on one side and a 100% waterproof fabric on the other side. It's so practical and so beautiful. Ellie loved it. My friend Nayth now also wanted to make one for her Tessa.

This side view was still "work-in-progress".

I asked Mum to make a label like those designers. It's the first time she used fabric markers. Then, she wrote on some fabric, ironed it and stitched it on the cape. This label is in Chinese meaning "Nana made".  I am so happy that Mum made a piece of clothing for Ellie as well as "signed" it. It will be an heirloom especially Mum lives overseas. It's a shame that she won't be making any clothes when she's back home.

I love this book which shows readers some really practical, do-able and beautiful projects. I am yet to make an Afternoon Tea Jacket from the book for myself. Then, I will think of what next ... (actually I am already thinking of what's next after the Jacket). ;)

Make it Perfect


Anonymous said...

Hi Connie

Yes we will have them in store next week..

say hi when you pop in

Kyrie K said...

Love the cape. I think I need to make one in my size!


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